Ties Sorted

What is #TiesSorted?
If you're here you've probably just received your wedding ties - Congratulations!
We'd love you to share your new package online, and you could win a superb gift hamper chock full of S&S goodies worth over £100.
Just take a photo of your purchase (we've included a handy example below), and share it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest - wherever you like, the more places the more entries you get. Make sure you use the hashtag #tiessorted so we can spot it (and preferably mention us @swaggerandswoon as well just to make sure!). 

Ties Sorted Prize
Hamper contents will vary

Add your photo now to be entered in the next draw! Good luck!

Instagram: @swaggerandswoon
Facebook: @swaggerandswoon
Twitter: @swaggerandswoon
Pinterest: @swaggerandswoon 

Don't forget to add #TiesSorted